TWOOSH is not for profit 200 place centre managed by a Volunteer OOSH parent committee on the grounds of Thornleigh West Public School. On a day to day basis, the centre is managed by the Director (Nominated Supervisor) and when the Director is absent the centre is under the supervision of an Authorised Supervisor (Responsible Person).
We offer accredited:
Before and After School Care during School Terms to TWPS children, and children from the wider community, upon approval.
Pupil Free Day Care on Staff development days for TWPS children and children in the wider community
Vacation Care for TWPS children and children in the wider community
Care for school aged children from Kindergarten to Year 6 in a safe and caring environment conveniently based within the school grounds.

National Quality Standard Rating
We have achieved an 'Exceeding the National Quality Standard' rating:
Educational program and practice
Children's health and safety
Physical environment
Staffing arrangements
Relationships with children
Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
Leadership and service management

Food at OOSH
The kids love food at OOSH!
We provide breakfast including toast, cereal, yogurt in Summer, and Oats in Winter.
Afternoon tea is provided after school at 3.10pm consisting of a range of cooked and fresh meals prepared on site.
We also have a fresh fruit platter available for the children later in the afternoon, as well as a late snack at 5.30pm for the children who are still here.
We provide breakfast, afternoon tea, fruit, and a late snack during Vacation care with an optional lunch for in-centre days.
Hours of Operation
Before School Care 7.00am - 8.30am
After School Care 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Vacation Care 7.30am - 6.15pm
Staff development Days 7.30 am - 6.15pm
Family Information Booklet
For further information, please refer to the link below for the Family Information Leaflet